somewhat vain iv
somewhat vain or alert to sounds.. wat do these mean? [Archive.
Good moves for my pokemon diamond team? Ep/IP training? - Yahoo.
Pokemon SoulSilver Version IV/EV/Nature Guide for DS - GameFAQs.
Special Defense-Somewhat vain. Speed-Alert to sounds. Let's assume that a Pokemon has perfect IV's in multiple catagories. How is it decided.
well what i take from it is that the natures have nothing to do with what your trying to get, the somewhat vain will occur if you have a 31 IV in.
Jun 1, 2008. SPECIAL DEFENSE 31, 26, 21, 16, 11, 6, 1-Somewhat Vain 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5- Strong Willed 29, 24, 19, 14, 9, 4-Somewhat Stubborn 28, 23.
4 days ago. They can never be changed Iv number rangeds 0-31, 31 being the best.. Somewhat vain and Alert to Sounds all can mean the highest Iv.
Can some1 explain pokemon iv´s to me, please? - Yahoo! Answers.
Sep 1, 2011. If your Pokemon's characteristic is Somewhat vain, its special defense is its highest stat, and could possibly have an IV of 31. This means that if.
Jan 8, 2012. "Somewhat stubborn", Either 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, or 29. "Somewhat vain", Either 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, or 31. "Strong willed", Either 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25.
4. Male, Lax nature, Somewhat of a clown 5. Male, Timid nature, Somewhat vain 6. Male, Brave nature, Mischievous 7. Male, Docile nature, Somewhat stubborn.
could someone please rate the improved version of my ultimate team?
Rennir's Pokémon Emporium [Archive] - Serebii.Net Forums.
Jul 28, 2010. Somewhat vain - The Special Defense IV's last digit is 1 or 6. Strongly defiant - The Special Defense IV's last digit is 2 or 7. Hates to lose - The.
27-Thoroughly cunning. Special Defense IV Value 31-Somewhat Vain 30-Strong Willed 29-Somewhat Stubborn 28-Hates to lose 27-Strongly Defiant Using this.
Jul 8, 2007. Very finicky. Special Attack 4/9. Strong willed. Special Defense 0/5. Somewhat vain. Special Defense 1/6. Strongly defiant. Special Defense 2/7.
somewhat vain iv
The Beginner's Guide to Advanced Pokemon: Breeding Tactics.